Dancing Lines goes to HK

Dancing Lines: An Encounter of East and West Calligraphy with Dance at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)2016
A duo installation “Lines in Motion” created by Loi Che Chan and Mark van Praagh will be shown on the campus of CUHK. The 1000-meter Chinese calligraphy is written in the “wild cursive “style. This unique form of art is called “Music without Sound” throughout the ages in China. Chinese characters are icons; each character in itself is an abstract image rich in diverse lines. The content of this installation is a collection of 54 Chinese classical poems that Loi Che had learned by heart as a child at school in Hong Kong. These poems flow naturally, without thinking, from her hands onto the paper and create a play of lines and dots with the meditative rhythm of Dutch minimal music. Moreover, 101 hidden messages created by Mark van Praagh in the installation are to be revealed by careful and playful eyes.
Following the duo’s calligraphic performance, there will be a dance performance titled “The Dancing Lines” featuring Sarah van Praagh’s improvisations.
Date: 16 April 2016 (SAT)
Time: 3pm
Venue: Gymnasium, 1/F, Staff Student Centre - Leung Hung Kee Building, New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
* Guests admission ( to start at 2:30pm)
* Welcome address by Professor Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK
* Speech by Mr. Wilfred Mohr, Consul-General, Netherlands Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao
* Dancing Lines: An Encounter of East and West Calligraphy with Dance at CUHK
Performance conducted by Ms Loi-Che Chan, Mr. Mark van Praagh and Ms Sarah van Praagh